Enjoy a Trusted, Secure and Easy-to-use Online Platform

The VNTR platform ensures secure communications and member resources to help share knowledge, network and transact investment deals.
Deals and funds
Gain access to community investment deals & share your deals to support portfolio companies. You can also share feedback on deals or receive feedback on your own.
Global in-person
and digital events
We host over 100 global annual events in major cities around the world. Both offline and online, our club events include premium networking opportunities and expert panel sessions with speakers, market-leaders and visionaries.
We are constantly learning, sharing experiences, and growing together within the global VNTR community. Club members conduct expert sessions, workshops, and participate in community masterminds. All of our past event recordings are also available in the Academy.
Address any inquiries and find the right people through our community member network. Use the internal chat, respond to platform requests, and leverage a truly global network of thousands of investors.
Personal profiles of
2000+ investors
Discover the right investors and partners through the VNTR platform. Our community includes thousands of investors worldwide, so we'll make introductions and assist in arranging meetings to help make your project a reality.
Your personal recommendations will help you find and connect with the right people - on-demand. Matchmaking bases on your account profile, investment preferences and geography.
Join us right now!